
Translated title of the contribution: Porsche: Carmaker or Hedge Fund?

Bin Xu (First Author), Yan Zhang (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


Porsche, the most profitable carmaker in the world, earned six times more in 2008 from managing financial derivatives than from selling cars. This case discusses Porsche’s car business as well as its financial management business. Since the mid-1990s, Porsche has achieved steady growth in the luxury sports car market and has also expanded successfully into the markets of SUVs and low-end luxury cars. Porsche has used currency derivatives to manage its large exposure to currency risks and has made considerable profits from currency derivatives. Since 2005, Porsche has been aggressively purchasing the stock of Volkswagen. In 2008, Porsche realized a windfall from its management of Volkswagen stock. This case features a debate about Porsche’s business model in association with its governance structure. The case can be used in courses focused on international finance and risk management.
Translated title of the contributionPorsche: Carmaker or Hedge Fund?
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by



  • 保时捷
  • 公司治理
  • 对冲基金
  • 德国
  • 汽车制造业
  • 财务管理与控制

Case studies discipline

  • Accounting
  • General Management
  • Finance

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing
  • Finance and Insurance


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