
Translated title of the contribution: Xibei's Business Model: Creating Shared Value for Stakeholders

Oliver Meng Rui (First Author), Qiong Zhu (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


In 2019, Xibei sat firmly in the top tier of the Chinese catering industry, relying on its business model of creating shared value with all stakeholders. Jia Guolong, founder and chairman of Xibei, said that it was not because he or Xibei was noble, but due to commercial aspects. The value-sharing model aims to get greater returns from these shared values to build Xibei into a global giant. For the last 31 years, Xibei had developed a positive cycle of value creation with this model, and it grew more competitive. By the end of June 2019, Xibei had opened 350 stores in 56 cities across the country. In the future, Xibei aims to open its stores all over the world. Jia realized that it would be a great challenge to apply the value-sharing model in a larger market because stronger abilities to share and collect value were required in a larger market. After sharing business value or interest with more stakeholders, he hoped to receive more returns in terms of business value. But what was the best way to do it?
Translated title of the contributionXibei's Business Model: Creating Shared Value for Stakeholders
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2020

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by



  • 企业社会责任
  • 共享价值
  • 共享价值商业模式
  • 创造共享价值
  • 战略性企业社会责任
  • 西贝

Case studies discipline

  • Strategy
  • Ethics & Social Responsibility

Case studies industry

  • Accommodation & Food Services


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