
Translated title of the contribution: From a Taobao Brand to an Internet Brand Incubator Platform: The Case of Handuyishe

Xiande Zhao (First Author), Lijing Wang (Participant Author), Liang Wang (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


With the transformation and upgrading trend of Chinese traditional industry, this case demonstrates the story of Han Du Yi She (Handu for short), an exemplar of transformation and upgrading in the clothing industry. Started with online purchasing, Handu increasingly integrated online and offline resources to establish its industry-leading operations and supply chain management capabilities in the e-business of clothing. On top of that, in 2016 Handu developed its latest strategy entitled “Handu Plus”, which aims to establish an Internet brand incubator platform by opening its own capacities to more external partners, that means, providing e-operation services to other brands. Through studying this case, the students may understand that in traditional industries, one of the key success factors of transformation and upgrading is the efforts made in supply chain and its relevant business process. They may also learn how a company can design appropriate supply chain strategies based on the characteristics of its products, and how a company can implement its supply chain strategy through supply chain integration and supply chain innovations. Finally, the students can open discuss a practical problem this case provides: when collaboration partners have significant differences in their supply chains, how to effectively conduct supply chain integrations?
Translated title of the contributionFrom a Taobao Brand to an Internet Brand Incubator Platform: The Case of Handuyishe
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2017

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


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  • 供应链创新
  • 供应链战略
  • 供应链整合
  • 供应链管理
  • 商业模式创新
  • 转型升级

Case studies discipline

  • Operations & Management Science
  • General Management

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing
  • Other Services
  • Retail Trade


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