Dispositional resistance to change: Measurement equivalence and the link to personal values across 17 nations

Shaul Oreg (First Author), Jian Han (Participant Author), Nerina Jimmieson (Participant Author), Marina Kotrla Topić (Participant Author), Karen van Dam (Participant Author), Marina Kotrla Topić (Participant Author), Per Øystein Saksvik (Participant Author), Ingvild Saksvik (Participant Author), Luis Arciniega (Participant Author), Nikos Bozionelos (Participant Author), Hit Mitsuhashi (Participant Author), Maria Vakola (Participant Author), Rasa Barkauskiene (Participant Author), Achilles Armenakis (Participant Author), Boris Mlačić (Participant Author), Luis González (Participant Author), Martina Hřebíčková (Participant Author), Hilde Hetland (Participant Author), Yuka Fujimoto (Participant Author), Mahmut Bayazit (Participant Author)Jana Kordačová (Participant Author), Ivana Ferić (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

81 Citations (Web of Science)


The concept of dispositional resistance to change has been introduced in a series of exploratory and confirmatory analyses through which the validity of the Resistance to Change (RTC) Scale has been established (S. Oreg, 2003). However, the vast majority of participants with whom the scale, was validated were from the United States. The purpose of the present work was to examine the meaningfulness of the construct and the validity of the scale across nations. Measurement equivalence analyses of data from 17 countries, representing 13 languages and 4 continents, confirmed the cross-national validity of the scale. Equivalent patterns of relationships between personal values and RTC across samples extend the nomological net of the construct and provide further evidence that dispositional resistance to change holds equivalent meanings across nations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)935-944
JournalJournal of Applied Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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  • measurement equivalence
  • personal values
  • resistance to change
  • scale validation

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  • Scopus
  • SSCI


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