Employee proactive goal regulation and job performance: The role modeling and interacting effects of leader proactive goal regulation

An-Chih Andrew Wang (First Author), Tae-Yeol Kim, Yuan Jiang (Participant Author), Guiyao Tang (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

12 Citations (Web of Science)
201 Downloads (Pure)


Given the critical role of leaders in managing employees' goal-setting, we theorized and examined how leader proactive goal regulation facilitates employee proactive goal processes and outcomes. Based on a sample of 74 leaders and 371 employees who work in research and development groups, we found that employees' three motivational states-role breadth self-efficacy, psychological ownership, and activated positive affect-were positively associated with job performance via employee proactive goal regulation. In addition, the effects of leader proactive goal regulation on this mediation model were twofold. First, there was a direct effect on employee proactive goal regulation, which, in turn, positively related to job performance. Second, there was a moderating effect of leader proactive goal regulation such that employees delivered high job performance when their leaders were high in proactive goal regulation, regardless of employees' own levels of proactive goal regulation. This study highlights the importance of not only employee but also leader proactive goal regulation in connecting employees' proactive motivational states with job performance.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Relations
Issue numberEarly Access
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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Project sponsor

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Project name

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Project No.



  • activated positive affect
  • employee proactivity
  • job performance
  • proactive goal regulation
  • psychological ownership
  • role breadth self-efficacy

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