From local utility to neural networks

Shaowei Ke, Chen Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal


We introduce and analyze two preference-based notions of local linearity in the spirit of Machina (1982). We show how the weaker among the two extends Machina’s local utility analysis, and that the stronger among the two characterizes continuous finite piecewise linear (CFPL) utility functions. We introduce a representation of the decision maker’s preference called the neural-network utility representation that is equivalent to the CFPL representation, in which the decision maker evaluates an alternative through a neural network.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103003
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Mathematical Economics
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • Linear utility function
  • Maxmin utility
  • Neural networks
  • Piecewise linear utility function

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  • SCIE


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