How national leaders keep 'us' safe: A longitudinal, four-nation study exploring the role of identity leadership as a predictor of adherence to COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions

Svenja B. Frenzel (First Author), S. Alexander Haslam, Nina M. Junker, Aidos Bolatov, Valerie A. Erkens, Jan A. Häusser, Ronit Kark, Ines Meyer, Andreas Mojzisch, Lucas Monzani, Stephen D. Reicher, Adil Samekin, Sebastian C. Schuh, Niklas K. Steffens, Liliya Sultanova, Dina Van Dijk, Llewellyn E. van Zyl, Rolf van Dick

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To investigate whether citizens’ adherence to health-protective non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) during the COVID-19 pandemic is predicted by identity leadership, wherein leaders are perceived to create a sense of shared national identity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e054980
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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  • COVID-19
  • Health policy
  • Public health

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  • SCIE


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