Jianbao Questioning His Values? (A)

Henri-Claude de Bettignies, Charlotte Butler

    Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


    Jianbao, a conscientious middle manager at a state-owned enterprise, learns the ugly truth about the behavior of a trusted senior colleague, Ren, whom he once considered his mentor. Now, Jianbao must walk a fine line and find a way to balance his loyalty to Ren against the risks to the company, while also safeguarding his own career. He chooses to write a letter describing Ren’s misappropriations to the parent company’s Disciplinary Inspection Committee. This scenario is presented in Case A. In Case B, the approach backfires. Should he have handled the matter differently? Did he do the right thing but in the wrong way?
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages3
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010

    Case number


    Case normative number


    Case type

    Field Case

    Update date



    For more details, please visit www.chinacases.org

    Published by

    China Europe International Business School


    • Business Ethics
    • Communication
    • Employee's Value
    • Sense of Responsibility
    • Social Responsibility

    Case studies discipline

    • Ethics & Social Responsibility

    Case studies industry

    • Transportation and Warehousing


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