Report on the Development of Cruise Industry in China (2021)

Hong Wang (Editor), Xinliang Ye (Editor), Jiangyong Shi (Editor), Weihang Zheng (Editor), Ling Qiu (Editor), Guojian Zhu (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportMonograph


This book is an annual research report on the cruise industry in China and throughout the world in 2021, contributed by Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology and Shanghai International Cruise Economic Research Center. This volume consists of four parts to discuss general and special topics on global and China’s cruise industry covering respond to COVID-19, cruise tourism market, public health emergency mechanism. It offers an all-rounded perspective and a strong foresight, as well as systematic studies on China's cruise industry in the context of routine COVID-19 control and the new dual circulation development pattern. And as 2021 marks the beginning of the 14th FYP period when various plans for the cruise industry were rolled out to chart the course and strategic paths toward development for the cruise industry, it focuses also on developments in China's cruise industry.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSpringer Singapore
Number of pages234
ISBN (Electronic)9789811994142
ISBN (Print)9789811994135
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameCurrent Chinese Economic Report Series


  • China’s Cruise Industry
  • Annual Report
  • Profit Model
  • Pandemic Response Mechanism
  • Industry Reports
  • China’s Cruise Development Strategy
  • Planning and Development Reports
  • 14th FYP


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  • 中国邮轮产业发展报告 2023

    Translated title of the contribution: Annual report on China's cruise industry 2023吴文学 (Editor), 汪泓 (Editor), 叶欣梁, 史健勇, 郑炜航, 邱羚 & 朱国建, 2023, 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. 192 p. ( 皮书系列 邮轮绿皮书)

    Research output: Book/ReportMonograph

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