The effects of mentor alcohol use norms on mentorship quality: The moderating role of protege traditionality

Ho Kwong Kwan (First Author), Zhonghui Hu (Participant Author), Haixiao Chen (Participant Author), Jinsong Li (Participant Author)

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7 Citations (Web of Science)
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Mentorship quality is an important aspect of mentorship effectiveness, yet we know little about its predictors. Using social identity theory, we examined the relationship between mentor alcohol use norms and mentorship quality as perceived by proteges. Our study also considered the mediating role of protege identification with the mentor and the moderating role of protege traditionality. The findings, based on mentor-protege dyadic data collected through a three-wave survey in China, indicate that mentor alcohol use norms are negatively related to mentorship quality, and that this relationship is mediated by protege identification with the mentor. Furthermore, the traditionality of proteges alleviates not only the negative relationship between mentor alcohol use norms and protege identification with the mentor, but also the indirect relationship between mentor alcohol use norms and mentorship quality via protege identification with the mentor. The results underscore the value of focusing on mentor behavioral norms that are not directed toward the protege. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications for mentoring research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Resource Management
Issue numberEarly Access
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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China Europe International Business School

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  • alcohol use norms
  • identification
  • mentoring
  • mentorship quality
  • traditionality

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