The need to belong: how to reduce workplace ostracism 归属感的需求:如何减少职场排斥

Ho Kwong Kwan (First Author), Xiangfan Wu (Participant Author), Xiaofeng Xu (Participant Author), Miaomiao Li (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

14 Citations (Web of Science)
140 Downloads (Pure)


Although the need to belong, or the desire for interpersonal attachments, is a basic human motivation, understanding of how and when it influences workplace ostracism is notably limited. Based on belongingness theory, this study examines the negative relationship between the need to belong and exposure to workplace ostracism by focusing on the mediating role of organizational deviance and the moderating role of in-role performance. Data from 108 supervisor-subordinate dyads in China were collected at three time points. The results reveal that organizational deviance mediates the relationship between the need to belong and workplace ostracism. Additionally, in-role performance alleviates the negative relationship between the need to belong and organizational deviance. The implications for management theory and practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalService Industries Journal
Issue numberEarly Access
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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China Europe International Business School

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  • Need to belong
  • in-role performance
  • organizational deviance
  • workplace ostracism
  • 归属感的需求
  • 组织越轨行为
  • 职场排斥
  • 角色内绩效

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  • ABDC-B
  • Scopus
  • SSCI


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