The trapped dragon: A province-by-province analysis of the middle-income trap in China

Bala Ramasamy (First Author), Jiarui Zhang (Participant Author), Alan K.M. Au (Participant Author), Matthew Yeung (Participant Author)

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China has been a prime candidate in the study of the middle-income trap (MIT), with inconclusive results. In this article, we pursue the question at a provincial level, and identify those provinces that are, or will be, trapped and those that have escaped. The 10 provinces identified as trapped are: Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Shaan’xi, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Gansu and Hebei. Productivity is found to be the most obvious reason behind a trapped province.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-32
Number of pages28
JournalAgenda: a journal of policy analysis and reform
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Corresponding author email


  • China


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Ramasamy, B., Zhang, J., Au, A. K. M., & Yeung, M. (2020). The trapped dragon: A province-by-province analysis of the middle-income trap in China. Agenda: a journal of policy analysis and reform, 27(1), 5-32.