TTI Branding: From Chinese Contract Manufacturing to ODM

Waldemar A. Pförtsch.

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


Techtronic Industries, Co. Ltd. (TTI) is a Hong Kong based company that sells power tools and small appliances. In 2007, TTI was listed in the UNCTAR Report as one of the emerging global companies in China. So far TTI had been an astonishing success story. It started out as a humble battery producer, moved into contract manufacturing, acquired brand assets of European and American companies, and wiped out the competition in its home territory by offering what the customer wanted with a quality and price that allowed profitable expansion and customer satisfaction. Now the challenge the company faced was to more rigorously exploit synergies and growth opportunities from the acquisitions and its scale of business. Could its leadership push their various product categories in markets where they were under represented? Could they reorganize the structures and resources around them so that newly created units became more efficient with their existing brand, products, and marketing investments?
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by

China Europe International Business School


  • Brand Management
  • Contract Manufacturing
  • Diversification
  • Globalization
  • International marketing

Case studies discipline

  • Marketing

Case studies industry

  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Retail Trade


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