
胡跃飞 (First Author), 黄少卿 (Participant Author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal


    供应链金融作为一项被国内外商业银行广泛关注的创新业务,不但给商业银行带来了新的市场和盈利模式,而且由于其有效地降低了供应链管理的成本而日益受到企业界的重视。本文从供应链金融业务发展的实体经济背景入手,讨论了从财务供应链管理向供应链金融业务的演变过程,并且对供应链金融的内涵与外延给予了学理上的界定。 Supply chain finance, an innovative business attracting serious attention from both domestic and international commercial banks and industries, not only create a niche market and a new profit mode for the former, but also works as an important method to reduce the cost of supply chain management for the latter. This paper describes the economic background of supply chain finance, analyzes the evolution from financial management of supply chain to supply chain finance, and finally defines the connotation and denotation of supply chain finance academically.
    Original languageChinese (Simplified)
    Pages (from-to)76-82
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 2009

    Corresponding author email



    • financial management of supply chain
    • management of supply chain
    • supply chain finance
    • trade finance
    • 供应链管理
    • 供应链金融
    • 财务供应链管理
    • 贸易融资

    Indexed by

    • PKU
    • CSSCI

    Cite this

    胡跃飞, & 黄少卿 (2009). 供应链金融:背景、创新与概念界定. 财经问题研究, (8), 76-82.