
Translated title of the contribution: Diversity as a Business Catalyst: The Challenges Facing Rosa Lee, Executive Vice President of Bosch China

李秀娟, 郑欣, 赵丽缦

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


This case describes how Rosa Lee, Executive Vice President of Bosch China, helped implement the Diversity Drives Business (DDB) initiative on a global and local level, and highlights the internal and external challenges she faced during this process. During her tenure at the German HQ (2015–2019), Rosa acted as a “glocal leader” (a local leader with global responsibilities), where she brought about a string of changes and worked with the HR team to explore ways of reinventing the organization. Specifically, she catalyzed the creation of the first Connectory co-innovation space and HR Lab (an incubator focused on the development of innovative HR initiatives). After returning to Bosch China in 2019, Rosa devoted herself to empowering female employees and developing innovative HR solutions. At the time of writing, China had become a key market during Bosch’s transition to an IoT company as well as a key driver of its global business growth. At the end of January 2022, Rosa came across a report about Bosch’s loss of top female managers in the well-known German publication Manager Magazin. Bosch was well aware of this issue – two years before the report was published, a female executive from Bosch’s Executive Office initiated the DDB initiative and placed six senior executives (including Rosa) in charge of the project. At the time of writing, Bosch China was losing many of its valued employees to competitors offering three to five times the pay. This problem was particularly acute in the software division, which experienced a three-fold increase in employee turnover. So-called “boomerang employees” who left the company and then rejoined after 6–12 months were often able to double their pay, while new hires received higher salaries than incumbents on the same rung of the corporate ladder. This pay disparity led to rising discontent among long-serving employees.
Translated title of the contributionDiversity as a Business Catalyst: The Challenges Facing Rosa Lee, Executive Vice President of Bosch China
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2024

Case number


Case normative number


Case type

Field Case

Update date



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Published by

China Europe International Business School


  • Diversification
  • gender
  • women leadership
  • political savvy
  • cultural diversity
  • intergenerational diversity
  • pay disparity
  • innovation
  • Female Leadership

Case studies discipline

  • Ethics & Social Responsibility
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services


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