
Translated title of the contribution: Liugong: Poland Mission (A)

Katherine R. Xin (First Author), Jin Zhong (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


This case tells the story of China's Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. facing a series of challenges in the process of integration after the cross-border acquisition. Liugong, a large state-owned enterprise engaged in the research, development, production and sale of construction machinery, is regarded as one of the most internationalized Chinese enterprises as well as an exemplar of going global in China's construction machinery industry. This case is a case series including two parts: Case (A) and Case (B). Case (A) briefly introduces the background of Liugong's globalization strategy and the acquisition of the Civil Engineering Machinery Division as well as a wholly-owned subsidiary called Dressta, both of which belonged to HSW, a Polish state-owned large enterprise. It focuses on what happened in 2013, when Wu Yindeng, Liugong's Human Resources Director, was appointed as the general manager of Liugong Poland. Wu was dispatched on a mission from headquarters to tackle urgent problems at Liugong Poland, which was struggling with integration. Dressta had continued operating independently after the acquisition, but its performance had been poor, and it had many overlapping functions with Liugong Poland. One of the great challenges facing Wu was whether to merge Dressta into Liugong Poland immediately. Case (B) continues the story, illustrating how Wu led the company to merge Dressta into Liugong Poland and completed the work of reorganization. However, Wu faced a new challenge: to keep or to fire the former influential president of Dressta.
Translated title of the contributionLiugong: Poland Mission (A)
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by



  • 人才管理
  • 整合
  • 文化融合
  • 组织结构重组
  • 跨国并购

Case studies discipline

  • Organizational Behavior
  • General Management

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing


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