
Translated title of the contribution: Global Technology: How a Chinese Start-up Competed with International Giants

龚焱, 蔺亚男

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


This case expounds on how Global Technology was established as an automotive supplier in the upstream industry chain, and how it competed in a monopolistic market – the Chinese chassis-by-wire market with high technical barriers to entry and already dominant players such as Bosch and Continental enjoying a combined share over 90%. It turned out that Global Technology, which epitomized the many tech firms aiming to produce local substitutes, managed to gain a market footing. The case first provides information about the automotive chassis-by-wire industry, ranging from relevant policies and technologies to market size and competitive landscape. In particular, it introduces the history and businesses of major international giants, providing a glimpse into the market environment Global Technology was operating in. The case also describes the founder Liu Zhaoyong’s work experiences and motivations for entrepreneurship, and explains why Liu entered the chassis-by-wire arena long dominated by international giants. It then illustrates how Global Technology progressed from 0 to 1 by devoting itself to creating great products to gain customer trust, and ends with a question on the company’s current challenge: How should Global Technology compete with established giants in the future?
Translated title of the contributionGlobal Technology: How a Chinese Start-up Competed with International Giants
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2024

Case number


Case normative number


Case type

Field Case

Update date



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Published by

China Europe International Business School


  • Start-Up
  • discovery and creation of entrepreneurial opportunities
  • growth pathways for start-ups
  • Entrepreneurial environment
  • survival and development of start-ups
  • competition between start-ups and large corporations
  • Technology-Based Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification

Case studies discipline

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategy

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing


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