Lingyun Acquires GSB (B)

Steven White (First Author), Xin Fu (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


This case is a supplement to Lingyun Acquires GSB (A). It details events as Lingyun took control of GSB in 2007. It provides a rich basis for discussing the integration process, including both changes in organizational structure and challenges of merging organizational cultures. In contrast to the positive expectations before the acquisition, the takeover team encountered many unexpected problems in the following six months. The original GSB staff and management team had different mindsets and behavior models from Lingyun’s staff. In addition to the integration issues, senior leaders of Lingyun also had to make significant changes in GSB’s five-star hotel operations in order to regain its competitiveness in the Guangzhou market.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by

China Europe International Business School


  • Acquisition
  • Culture Integration
  • Diversification
  • Real estate
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategy Implementation/Execution

Case studies discipline

  • General Management
  • Strategy

Case studies industry

  • Real Estate and Rental and Leasing


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