Shanghai Automotive and Ssangyong Motor — A Tale of Two Dragons (C)

Leiping Xu (First Author), Steven White (Participant Author)

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The case was developed by Research Fellow Xu Leiping of the China Europe International Business School, and Professor Steven White of the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. The case was prepared as a basis for classroom discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative or business situation. The first author was partially supported by NSFC project 71072059 and NSFC project 70901051. This final case of the 3-case series describes the grim situation facing SAIC in late 2008, pummeled by the financial crisis after seemingly overcoming some of the major challenges of the first two years as controlling shareholder of Ssangyong. The Ssangyong union was again resisting proposed changes that SAIC saw as inevitable to ensure Ssangyong's continued solvency. SAIC was now faced with the decision to push through the necessary changes in spite of union response, give up control to a court receiver, or divest its share of Ssangyong. The case serves as a basis for discussing the decision of whether and when to divest and, particularly relevant for high-profile acquisitions by Chinese firms, the economic, strategic, political and reputational risks of a “failure” abroad.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-247
JournalAsian Case Research Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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Xu, L., & White, S. (2012). Shanghai Automotive and Ssangyong Motor — A Tale of Two Dragons (C). Asian Case Research Journal, 16(2), 225-247.