The antecedents and consequences of being envied by coworkers: An investigation from the victim perspective

Yijiao Ye (First Author), Ho Kwong Kwan (Participant Author), Xuan-Mei Cheng (Participant Author), Xingwen Chen (Participant Author), Yijing Lyu (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

13 Citations (Web of Science)


This study focused on the victims of coworker envy and presented a comprehensive model of being envied by coworkers to explore its antecedents and consequences in the hospitality context. Based on a sample of 232 employee-supervisor dyads in five Chinese hotels, we found that competitive goal interdependence fostered coworker envy, whereas cooperative goal interdependence prevented it. Further, the experience of being envied by coworkers undermined the frontline hospitality employees' social exchange relationship with coworkers. This in turn prevented them from engaging in organizational citizenship behavior directed at their organizations (OCBO) and specific individuals (OCBI) such as organization members. In addition, envied employees' others' approval of the contingent self-esteem was found to strengthen (1) the direct effect of being envied by coworkers on coworker exchange and (2) the indirect effect of being envied by coworkers on OCBO and OCBI via coworker exchange.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Hospitality Management
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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  • Being envied by coworkers
  • Contingent self-esteem
  • Coworker exchange
  • Goal interdependence
  • Organizational citizenship behavior

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  • Scopus
  • SSCI


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