Uncover the black-box of leadership effectiveness: Leader-member exchange as the mediator

Jean S. K. Lee (First Author), Feng Wei (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal


This study is an integration of the leader-focused perspective and leader-follower exchange perspective, attempting to understand the relationship between leadership styles, leader-member relationship, and their joint impact on followers’ effectiveness, satisfaction, extra effort and organizational commitment. 615 respondents from five big pharmaceutical companies in China participated in this study. Results show that: (1) transformational leadership has positive influence on followers’ effectiveness, satisfaction, extra effort and organizational commitment; contingent reward has positive influence on effectiveness; management-by-exception leadership has negative influence on satisfaction; laissez-faire leadership has negative influence on effectiveness and satisfaction. (2) Leader-member exchange partially mediates the relationship between transformational, contingent reward, management-by-exception, laissez-faire leaderships and followers’ effectiveness, extra effort, satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)240-255
JournalFrontiers of Business Research in China
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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  • contingent reward leadership
  • leader-member exchange
  • leadership effectiveness
  • management-by-exception leadership
  • transformational leadership
  • 例外管理
  • 变革型领导
  • 权变性奖励
  • 领导下属交换
  • 领导有效性

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