Ruijin Hospital: Embarking on a Smart Hospital Journey and Exploring a Digital Medicine Platform

Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Lin, Liman Zhao, Yifan Zhu

科研成果: 其它稿件案例


This case begins with an overview of China's healthcare system, followed by an introduction to the country's hospitals' pursuit of digital transformation and a profile of Ruijin Hospital. The case then focuses on how Ruijin Hospital laid out a vision for the digital hospital and translated it into strategic goals that addressed the needs and concerns of multiple stakeholders. It covers how the hospital explored technology solutions for smart services, healthcare, and management to drive its smart transformation. Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to the School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University inaugurated the Shanghai Digital Medicine Innovation Center (hereinafter "Innovation Center") on October 27, 2021. The Shanghai Municipal People's Government expected Ruijin Hospital to lead the way in setting national standards and benchmarks for digital transformation in healthcare. At the inauguration ceremony, Ning Guang, the director of Ruijin Hospital, addressed the guests as head of the Innovation Center. He noted that the Innovation Center would play a pivotal role in spearheading the digitization of healthcare, exemplifying smart hospital practices, and extending them to other medical institutions. Ruijin Hospital needed to leverage internal and external resources to help the entire healthcare industry go digital as it moved forward with its smart transformation. However, achieving these dual objectives would prove to be a formidable task. Internally, it had a long way to go to apply its new technologies and digital solutions across the healthcare industry. Externally, the varying levels of informatization and smart technology application across medical institutions hindered the seamless integration and sharing of medical data. To complicate matters further, digitization in healthcare also varied from region to region. Ruijin Hospital faced challenges in extending its standards for digital transformation to other institutions. In this context, how would Ruijin Hospital advance its own smart transition while also using its Innovation Center, positioned as an internal platform-based functional organization, to empower more medical institutions?
已出版 - 25 8月 2023






Field Case




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China Europe International Business School


  • 综合管理
  • 信息技术
  • 战略


  • 医疗保健服务


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