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张昭利 (First Author), Zhu, X. (Participant Author) & 任荣明 (Participant Author), 2012, In: 现代管理科学. 11, p. 18-19Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal
我国环境库兹涅兹曲线的再检验 Re-test of China's Environmental Kuznets Curve
Rong-ming, R. (First Author), Xiao-ming, Z. (First Author), Zhao-li, Z. (First Author), 张昭利 (First Author), Zhu, X. (Participant Author) & 任荣明 (Participant Author), 2012, In: 当代经济科学. 5, p. 23-30Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal
贸易对我国二氧化硫污染的影响——国别分布及变化趋势 Impact of Trade on China' s Sulfur Dioxide Pollution -Analysis on Countries and its Variation Trend
Zhaoli, Z. (First Author), REN, R. (First Author), ZHU, X. (First Author), 张昭利 (First Author), Zhu, X. (Participant Author) & 任荣明 (Participant Author), 2012, In: 科技管理研究. 21, p. 108-110Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal
贸易对我国二氧化硫污染的影响——基于投入产出的分析 TRADE'S IMPACT ON SO2 POLLUTION OF CHINA——Based on Input-output Model
张昭利 (First Author), Bao-hua, Z. (First Author), Rong-ming, R. (First Author), Zhao-li, Z. (First Author), Xiao-ming, Z. (First Author), Zhu, X. (Participant Author), 朱保华 (Participant Author) & 任荣明 (Participant Author), 2012, In: 经济理论与经济管理. 4, p. 66-75Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal
基于知识整合价值链的企业并购知识整合研究 Research on Knowledge Integration Management in Enterprise M&A Based on Knowledge Integration Value Chain
季成 (First Author), Zhu, X. (Participant Author) & 任荣明 (Participant Author), 2007, In: 研究与发展管理. 6, p. 78-84Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal
鲍务英 (First Author) & Zhu, X. (Participant Author), 2007, In: 经济纵横. 11x, p. 8-10Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal