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4차 산업혁명시대와 리더십
Translated title of the contribution: 4th industrial revolution era and leadership 김태열 (Participant Author) & 이덕로 (Participant Author), 1 Jan 2019, 1 ed. 고양:PNC(피앤씨미디어). 400 p.Research output: Book/Report › Monograph
조직행동론, 16판
Translated title of the contribution: Organizational Behavior Korean Edition, 16/E 김태열 (Translator), 박기찬 (Translator), 박원우 (Translator) & 이덕로 (Translator), 1 Jan 2015, 16 ed. Pearson. 785 p.Research output: Book/Report › Translation
현대사회와 리더십
Translated title of the contribution: Modern Society and Leadership Korean Edition김태열 (First Author) & 이덕로 (Participant Author), 1 Jan 2014, 文英社 (Moon Young Sa 문영사).Research output: Book/Report › Monograph
조직행동론, 15판
Translated title of the contribution: Organizational Behavior Korean Edition, 15/E Kim, T.-Y., Robbins, S. & Judge, T., 1 Jan 2013, 15 ed. Pearson. 690 p.Research output: Book/Report › Monograph