Am I choosing the right career? The implications of COVID-19 on the occupational attitudes of hospitality management students

Thomas A. Birtch (First Author), Flora F.T. Chiang (Participant Author), Jin Wang (Participant Author), Zhenyao Cai (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

22 Citations (Web of Science)


The hospitality industry is under threat from COVID-19 and the possibility of future crises remains very real. To improve understanding of how such a crisis impacts the attractiveness of pursuing a career in the hospitality industry, this study examines the effects of negative emotions invoked by COVID-19 on hospitality management students’ occupational attitudes. Using a sample of 425 students, we find that in addition to diminishing their occupational identification and in turn, job choice intentions, that the effects of these negative emotions are channeled through three salient motivational pathways, namely self-efficacy, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and passion. Thus, the study not only advances theory by providing a more nuanced conceptualization of the effects of negative emotions on occupational attitudes but it identifies important leverage points that can be harnessed to help mitigate the harmful emotional effects of a crisis, such as COVID-19, important and timely contributions that the authors hope will benefit aspiring hospitality industry talent and help restore the attractiveness of careers in the hospitality industry. Future research directions and implications to theory and practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Hospitality Management
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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  • COVID-19
  • Hospitality management students
  • Job choice intention
  • Negative emotions
  • Occupational identification
  • Proactive motivation

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  • ABDC-A*
  • SSCI


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