CEO Temporal Focus and Corporate Philanthropy: The Moderating Role of Ownership

Luu Thi Nguyen (First Author), Ho Kwong Kwan (Participant Author), Shouming Chen (Participant Author)

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This study examines the association between CEO temporal focus and corporate engagement in philanthropy, and considers the moderating role of ownership. This association is investigated based on upper echelons theory and the conceptual framework of temporal focus. Using a sample of 2,285 observations of Chinese listed firms from 2010 to 2015, our results show that the relationship between CEO past focus and corporate philanthropy is positive in state-owned firms but negative in private firms. In addition, CEO future focus is negatively associated with charitable activities in state-owned firms, but positively associated with such activities in private companies. For present-oriented CEOs, the relationship between temporal focus and philanthropy is negative in both public and private firms, but the negative effect is stronger in private firms. The findings of this study show how CEOs' time perspectives shape their decisions on company engagement in philanthropic projects.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSAGE Open
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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Project sponsor

National Social Science Fund of China

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  • CEO temporal focus
  • CEO time perspective
  • corporate giving
  • corporate philanthropy
  • ownership

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  • SSCI


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