Could government lead the way? Evaluation of China's patent subsidy policy on patent quality

Jia Lin (First Author), Ho-Wei Wu (Participant Author), Ho-Mou Wu (Participant Author)

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As China aimed to transform her growth into an innovation-driven model, we study the impact of China's effort to promote technology inventions. By linking to Google Patents, we compile a comprehensive set of patent quality indicators. Based on Chinese provincial panel data from 1995 to 2010, we find that the effect of the implemented patent subsidy policies on quantity, as well as various quality metrics of patents, was significantly positive. Moreover, the explanation power of subsidy policies on both patent quantity and quality diminished as time goes by. We also find that the effect of these policies depended on the growth rate of experienced innovators rather than entrants. Since the implemented policies we study in this paper were designed to focus on subsidizing expenses incurred during the patenting process, our results show that the provided partial funding led the way for improving China's patent quality.
Original languageEnglish
JournalChina Economic Review
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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;;China Europe International Business School

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  • China
  • Innovation
  • Patent quality
  • Patent subsidy policy

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  • ABDC-A
  • SSCI


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