Do Firms Learn More From Small or Big Successes and Failures? A Test of the Outcome-Based Feedback Learning Perspective

Yan Gong (First Author), Yu Zhang (Participant Author), Jun Xia (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

31 Citations (Web of Science)


It has been recognized that previous experiences can provide different types of feedback. However, it has not been systematically explored why firms are more likely to learn effectively from certain types of experience than others. From a feedback-based learning perspective, we argue that it is useful not only to focus on feedback valence (success or failure experiences) but also to examine feedback saliency (the magnitude of the experience’s influence). Based on a sample of acquisitions by U.S. firms, our results indicate that a firm’s success experience drives up the premium that it pays for a subsequent acquisition, whereas a failure experience reduces this subsequent premium. Moreover, we find that the magnitude of the effects of the four types of experiences—small failure, big failure, small success, and big success—does not follow a symmetrical pattern of inverse effects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1034-1056
JournalJournal of Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Corresponding author email


  • acquisition experience
  • acquisition premium
  • feedback saliency
  • feedback valence
  • feedback-based learning

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  • ABDC-A*
  • Scopus
  • SSCI


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