Green knowledge management: A key driver of green technology innovation and sustainable performance in the construction organizations

Ali Nawaz Khan, Khalid Mehmood, Ho Kwong Kwan

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The primary objective of this research is to examine the effects of green knowledge management (GKM) on green technological innovation (GTI) and sustainable performance in construction firms. The study also investigates the role of artificial intelligence (AI) as a moderator of the relationship between GKM and green human capital (GHC). A survey questionnaire was used to obtain data from 309 construction firms in Pakistan, and the AMOS-24 and SPSS PROCESS macro software packages were used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that GKM had significant positive impacts on GTI and long-term performance. Aspects of GIC (e.g., green structural capital, green relational capital, and green human capital) were found to be significant mediators of GKM and GTI interactions and correlations between GKM and sustainable performance. Furthermore, the study showed that AI significantly influenced the relationship between GKM and GHC. The study's findings have important theoretical and practical implications for organizations and governments. The study theoretically contributes to the knowledge-based view of the firm by providing empirical evidence of the role of various GIC characteristics as mediators in the interactions between GKM, GTI, and sustainable performance. In practice, the findings suggest that firms can improve GTI and sustainable performance by investing in GKM and GIC.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Innovation and Knowledge
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024

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  • Green knowledge management
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Green intellectual capital
  • Green technology innovation
  • Sustainable performance
  • Knowledge-based view

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  • SSCI


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