K省新华发行(集团)控股(C): 两张弃权票

Translated title of the contribution: K Province Xinhua Distribution Group Holding Company Ltd. (C): Two Abstentions

Leiping Xu (First Author), Neng Liang (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


Worldwide the traditional book industry is confronted with the double challenges of digitalization and e-business---a state-owned provincial enterprise like Xinhua Bookstore in mainland China faces even more pressure. This case series presents just this management dilemma. The cases use Wang Hao, the new CEO of K Province Xinhua Bookstore, as the protagonist to describe the problems he faced and strategic choices he could make. Case (A) introduces the tension between the problems Wang Hao as a new executive faced and the goals of the company; Case (B) relates Wang Hao’s ideas and situation in his first year; Case (C) discusses the surprise and embarrassment in the board meeting announcing Wang as the new chairman, indicating that Wang Hao would take full control over management; Case (D) depicts in detail the strategy of the three transformations Wang Hao pursued; and Case (E) presents a panorama of Wang Hao’s implementation of the strategy, and explores the new problems and challenges it caused. This case series involves such management themes as strategic analysis, strategic assessment, strategic formation, strategic execution, the CEO’s role, change management, and reform of state-owned enterprises. It is suitable for strategy courses for MBA, EMBA, and executive training.
Translated title of the contributionK Province Xinhua Distribution Group Holding Company Ltd. (C): Two Abstentions
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012

Case number


Case normative number


Case type


Update date


Published by



  • 体制改革
  • 国有企业
  • 战略转型
  • 数字化出版
  • 绩效管理
  • 领导力

Case studies discipline

  • General Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategy

Case studies industry

  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Information, Media & Telecommunications


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