Role-based paternalistic exchange: Explaining the joint effect of leader authoritarianism and benevolence on culture-specific follower outcomes

An-Chih Andrew Wang (First Author), Yi-Chieh Lin (Participant Author), Yanyu Chen (Participant Author), Miao-Sui Hsu (Participant Author), Chou-Yu Tsai (Participant Author)

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8 Citations (Web of Science)


We propose a new construct-role-based paternalistic exchange, or followers' awareness of and engagement in a family-like exchange relationship with leaders that builds upon both leaders' parent-like role and followers' child-like obligation. We use this construct to explain the joint effect of leader authoritarianism and benevolence, the essential components of paternalistic leadership, on two culture-specific follower outcomes in Chinese settings: emic organizational citizenship behavior and deference to supervisor. Using three independent samples, we develop a unidimensional measure. We then employ another sample to test how leader authoritarianism and benevolence relate to role-based paternalistic exchange and, thereby, the two follower outcomes indirectly. Our results indicate that, in contrast to authoritarianism- or benevolence-dominant paternalistic leadership, classical paternalistic leadership (the balanced display of leader authoritarianism and benevolence) has the greatest potential to facilitate role-based paternalistic exchange, which, in turn, positively relates to the two follower outcomes. These results suggest that role-based paternalistic exchange advances our understanding of how paternalistic leadership enhances emic outcomes in Chinese settings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)433-455
Number of pages23
JournalAsia Pacific Journal of Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Corresponding author email


  • Authoritarianism
  • Benevolence
  • Deference to supervisor
  • Organizational citizenship behavior
  • Paternalistic leadership
  • Polynomial regression

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  • ABDC-A
  • Scopus
  • SSCI


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Wang, A.-C. A., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, Y., Hsu, M.-S., & Tsai, C.-Y. (2022). Role-based paternalistic exchange: Explaining the joint effect of leader authoritarianism and benevolence on culture-specific follower outcomes. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39(2), 433-455.