Strategy Execution: Passion & Profit

Per V. Jenster, Sven Junghagen, Flemming Poulfelt, Michael Jessen Holm

    Research output: Book/ReportMonograph


    The literature on strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is fairly limited despite their great innovative talents. This book provides the reader with a thorough insight into six companies and their prerequisites for creating growth. Strategy Execution focuses on a varied picture of Scandinavian SMEs, and illustrates how this group of companies can contribute with new ways of managerial thinking and progress in the business community. It presents the best practice framework for strategic management.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCopenhagen Business School Press
    Number of pages182
    ISBN (Print)9788763002004
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007

    Call number



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    Jenster, P. V., Junghagen, S., Poulfelt, F., & Holm, M. J. (2007). Strategy Execution: Passion & Profit. Copenhagen Business School Press.