The impact of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees' proactive customer service performance: a self-determination perspective

Zhuanzhuan Sun (First Author), Long-Zeng Wu (Participant Author), Yijiao Ye (Participant Author), Ho Kwong Kwan (Participant Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal

38 Citations (Web of Science)


Purpose: Based on self-determination theory, this research paper aims to explore the implication of exploitative leadership for hospitality employees’ proactive customer service performance (PCSP) via harmonious passion for work (HPFW) and the moderating mechanism of power distance. Design/methodology/approach: The authors’ sample included a total of 207 leader–follower dyads from three Chinese hotels. Hierarchical multiple regression and the PROCESS macro were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results indicated that exploitative leadership has a negative indirect relationship with hospitality employees’ PCSP through decreased HPFW, and power distance plays a protective role of alleviating the negative implications of exploitative leadership for hospitality employees’ HPFW and PCSP. Practical implications: Hotels are suggested to develop strict codes of conduct and adopt zero-tolerance policies for exploitative leadership. Additionally, hotels should also act to improve employees’ HPFW and pay attention to low-power-distance employees. Originality/value: This research enriches exploitative leadership literature by investigating its effect on PCSP. Further, this research investigates HPFW as a mechanism linking exploitative leadership to PCSP. Finally, this research establishes the relationships among exploitative leadership, HPFW and PCSP by investigating the contingent impact of power distance.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Early online date16 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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Project sponsor

National Natural Science Foundation of China
Shenzhen Natural Science Fund (the Stable Support Plan Program)

Project No.



  • Exploitative leadership
  • Harmonious passion for work
  • Power distance
  • Proactive customer service performance
  • Self-determination theory

Indexed by

  • ABDC-A
  • SSCI


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