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Luxury branding and the creator Economy: Emerging challenges and future avenues
Prandelli, E., Wang, Y. & Weijo, H., 9月 2024, 在: International Journal of Research in Marketing. 41, 3, 页码 455-467 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Banning Cassandra from the Market? An Empirical Analysis of Short-Selling Bans during the Covid-19 Crisis
Siciliano, G. (First Author) & Ventoruzzo, M. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: European Company and Financial Law Review. 17, 3-4, 页码 386-418科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Disclosing Directors
Marchetti, P. (First Author), Siciliano, G. (Participant Author) & Ventoruzzo, M. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: European Business Organization Law Review. 21, 2, 页码 219–251科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Market Knowledge Dimensions and Cross-Functional Collaboration: Examining the Different Routes to Product Innovation Performance
De Luca, L. M. (First Author) & Atuahene-Gima, K. (Participant Author), 2007, 在: Journal of Marketing. 71, 1, 页码 95-112科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology ventures
Atuahene-Gima, K. (First Author), Li, H. (Participant Author) & De Luca, L. M. (Participant Author), 2006, 在: Industrial Marketing Management. 35, 3, 页码 359-372科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文