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基于顾客感知的品牌资产指数构建与行业分析 Development of customer-based brand equity index and its application to industry analysis
马宝龙 (First Author), Wang, G., Ying, S., Bao-long, M., 邹振兴, 孙瑛, Gao, W., Jing-jing, B., Zhen-xing, Z. & 步晶晶, 2015, 在: 管理科学学报. 18, 2, 页码 36-49科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
质量属性变化对满意与忠诚关系的调节作用 The Moderating Effect of Quality Attribute Perceptual Change on Satisfaction-loyalty Relationship
Xu, Y. (First Author), Zhao, P. (First Author), Wang, G. (First Author), 徐茵 (First Author), Wang, G. (Participant Author) & 赵平 (Participant Author), 2013, 在: 南开管理评论. 4, 页码 114-123科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
马宝龙 (First Author), Wang, G. (Participant Author), 李金林 (Participant Author) & 李纯青 (Participant Author), 2009, 在: 南开管理评论. 12, 3, 页码 52-160科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文