
Translated title of the contribution: Who Should Be Responsible for the Dismissal of the Xerox’s “Parachute” CEO in 2000?

Yan Gong (First Author), Qiong Zhu (Participant Author)

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


Richard Thoman was the first and the only Xerox CEO brought in from outside, invited to join the company as it faced various challenges in adapting to the digital market. During his time with Xerox, Thoman helped move the company from analog products to digital products and from selling products to selling solutions. He also reorganized the Xerox sales force. However, his reforms stopped halfway when he was abruptly fired 13 months into the job. Whose fault was it? This case tries to find where the problems reside.
Translated title of the contributionWho Should Be Responsible for the Dismissal of the Xerox’s “Parachute” CEO in 2000?
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2014

Case number


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Case type


Update date


Published by



  • CEO更替
  • 变革
  • 接班人
  • 空降兵
  • 解雇

Case studies discipline

  • General Management

Case studies industry

  • Manufacturing

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