Does the selection of ISO 14001 registrars matter? Registrar reputation and environmental policy statements in China

Gerald E. Fryxell (First Author), Carlos W.H Lo (Participant Author), Shan Shan Chung (Participant Author)

    科研成果: 期刊稿件期刊论文


    This study investigates the relationship between characteristics of environmental policy statements and the reputations of ISO 14001 registrars who had performed certification audits of firms operating in mainland China. Three characteristics of environmental policy statements were examined: (1) The conformance of the policy to strict interpretations of the international standard; (2) The policy statement's adherence to the good practice guidelines specified in ISO 14004; and, (3) Self-reported evaluations of the policy statement's effectiveness as implemented. Data from 106 facilities in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou reveal that registrar quality has a relatively weak, positive relationship with conformance to both ISO 14001 standards and to ISO 14004 guidelines, but no relationship was observed with the self-reported data. Additional findings are that the use of foreign registrars is significantly associated with the adoption of ISO 14004 guidelines and that conformance with ISO 14001 standards is somewhat higher for international joint ventures and foreign-owned firms than for state-owned enterprises.
    期刊Journal of Environmental Management
    出版状态已出版 - 2004

    Corresponding author email


    • China
    • Environmental auditing
    • ISO 14000


    • ABDC-A
    • Scopus
    • PubMed


    探究 'Does the selection of ISO 14001 registrars matter? Registrar reputation and environmental policy statements in China' 的科研主题。它们共同构成独一无二的指纹。
