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Founders, Females, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crisis Responses of Business Leaders(CEIBS Working Paper, No. 024/2020/OBM/ENT, 2020)
Langan, R. (First Author), Schmitt, A. (Participant Author) & Xin, K. R., 1月 2020, (准备中).科研成果: 工作论文
文档58 下载量 (Pure) -
How do leaders' perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading-effects model
Kaluza, A. J. (First Author), Schuh, S. C. (Participant Author), Xin, K. R. (Participant Author), Kern, M. (Participant Author) & van Dick, R. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Human Resource Management. 59, 4, 页码 359-377科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档 -
It Runs in the Family: A Goal Orientation Perspective on Parental Influence to Leadership
Zheng, X. (First Author), Schuh, S. C. (Participant Author), Xin, K. R. (Participant Author) & Farh, J.-L. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2020, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
LiuGong: Integration Challenges in Poland (A)
Xin, K. R. & Zhong, J., 30 11月 2020, 8 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
LiuGong: Integration Challenges in Poland (B)
Xin, K. R. & Zhong, J., 30 11月 2020, 2 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Research: 3 Biases That Shaped CEOs’ Pandemic Response
Schmitt, A. (First Author), Xin, K. R. (Participant Author) & Langan, R. (Participant Author), 3 7月 2020, Harvard Business School Publishing.科研成果: 其它稿件
编者寄语: 孵化未来
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 7, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 后浪的机会
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 5/6, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 后疫情时代的管理升维
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 4, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 商业战“疫”:从自救到赢家
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 2/3, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 与不确定性共舞
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 8/9, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 1, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & Zhong, J. (Participant Author), 30 6月 2020, 6 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 10, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文