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Are Investors Influenced by the Order of Information in Earnings Press Releases?
Cheng, L. (First Author), Van Buskirk, A. (Participant Author) & Roulstone, D. T. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: The Accounting Review. 96, 2, 页码 413-433科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Leaders's Impression Management During Organizational Decline: The Roles of Publicity, Image Concerns, and Incentive Compensation
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Song, X.-B. (Participant Author), Shih, E. (Participant Author) & Rodgers, M. S. (Participant Author), 2015, 在: The Leadership Quarterly. 26, 2, 页码 270-285科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Managers’ Marketing Strategy Decision Making During Performance Decline and the Moderating Influence of Incentive Pay
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Rodgers, M. S. (Participant Author), Song, X.-B. (Participant Author) & Shih, E. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 43, 5, 页码 629-647科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
TQM and brand-building by Chinese original brand manufacturers: impact on business performance
Ng, S. C. H. (First Author), Zhao, X. (Participant Author), Fan, X. (Participant Author) & Rungtusanatham, J. M. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: International Journal of Production Research. 52, 3, 页码 825-846科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
When does incentive compensation motivate managerial behaviors? An experimental investigation of the fit between incentive compensation, executive core self-evaluation, and firm performance
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Song, X. (Participant Author), Rodgers, M. (Participant Author) & Shih, E. (Participant Author), 2012, 在: Strategic Management Journal. 33, 12, 页码 1343-1362科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文