
Translated title of the contribution: HIMO: A "New Species" in the Photography Industry

王雅瑾, 朱琼

Research output: Other contributionCase Studies


How to create a new niche in the traditional service market? How can standardized services be implemented in industries with significant personalized demands? HIMO, the photography brand with the largest number of stores in China, provided some insights. Established in Hangzhou in 2015, HIMO started with ID photos and expanded to 600 stores across 80 cities within eight years. Their strategic positioning, “Light, Quick, Simple,” targeted the younger demographic. With this in mind, HIMO developed SOPs and services, creating a business model that was distinct from traditional photography. As a result, it was referred to as a “new species.” However, the company's future direction was uncertain. During a strategic meeting held on November 3, 2022, senior leadership found themselves at a crossroads with three contrasting viewpoints. The options included improving delivery, developing a cosmetics retail brand, and rapidly expanding by opening more innovative themed stores. Founder Wu Yuqi must carefully consider the strategic focus moving forward.
Translated title of the contributionHIMO: A "New Species" in the Photography Industry
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2024

Case number


Case normative number


Case type

Field Case

Update date



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Published by

China Europe International Business School


  • brand marketing
  • non-users
  • personalization
  • customizing for users
  • services standardization
  • Blue Ocean Strategy
  • blue-ocean strategy
  • standardized services for personalized demands
  • O2O model

Case studies discipline

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Service Management

Case studies industry

  • Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Recreation


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