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The Roles of Marketing Breadth and Competitive Spread on Product Life Cycle (CEIBS Working Paper, No. 015/2020/MKT, 2020)
Xiang, Y., Soberman, D. & Gatignon, H., 1 1月 2020, (准备中).科研成果: 工作论文
文档132 下载量 (Pure) -
The trapped dragon: A province-by-province analysis of the middle-income trap in China
Ramasamy, B. (First Author), Zhang, J. (Participant Author), Au, A. K. M. (Participant Author) & Yeung, M. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Agenda: a journal of policy analysis and reform. 27, 1, 页码 5-32 28 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Transsion Holdings: Leveraging Disruption in Emerging Markets
Wang, T., Zhao, L. & Velamuri, S. R., 30 6月 2020, 16 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Two-Tier Hospital System Redesign Optimization Based on Consumer Choice and Queueing Network Modeling(CEIBS Working Paper, No. 036/2020/POM, 2020)
Deng, Y., Li, N., Kong, N., Jiang, Z. & Xie, X. K., 8月 2020, (准备中).科研成果: 工作论文
文档123 下载量 (Pure) -
Valuation effects of alliance portfolio expansion speed and strength: Evidence from high-tech firms
Shukla, D. M. (First Author), Wang, T. (Participant Author), Mital, A. (Participant Author) & Qureshi, I. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Journal of Business Research. 113, 页码 370-383科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Value Cocreation in New Service Development: A Process-based View of Resource Dependency (CEIBS Working Paper, No. 009/2020/POM)
Zhao, X., Wang, Q. & Oshri, I., 1 1月 2020.科研成果: 工作论文
开放访问文档129 下载量 (Pure) -
Voles System's Bribery Accusations in China
Chng, D. H. M., Pi, X. & Zhao, L., 30 6月 2020, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
李秀娟 (First Author) & 蔡瑰宇 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 家族企业. 12, 页码 59-64 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
War and social attitudes
Child, T. B. (First Author) & Nikolova, E. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Conflict Management and Peace Science. 37, 2, 页码 152-171科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
What Drives Regional Innovation Capacity Build-Up in China?
Yang, X., Zhou, Y., Chen, R. R. & Carney, R. W., 9月 2020, Business Practices, Growth and Economic Policy in Emerging Markets. Camacho, L. & Singh , S. (编辑). World Scientific, 页码 89-113科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
What Makes Logistics Integration More Effective? Governance from Contractual and Relational Perspectives
Wang, Q. (First Author), Zhao, X. (Participant Author) & Huo, B. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Journal of Business Logistics. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
When and how favour rendering ameliorates workplace ostracism over time: Moderating effect of self-monitoring and mediating effect of popularity enhancement
Wu, C.-H. (First Author), Kwan, H. K. (Participant Author), Lee, C. (Participant Author) & Liu, J. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档 -
When a Strategy for Sustainability is Sustainable: The Impact of Refurbished Products in Markets with Network Effects and Standards Competition (CEIBS Working Paper, No. 017/2020/MKT, 2020)
Wang, Q., Zheng, Y. & Park, C. H., 1 1月 2020.科研成果: 工作论文
开放访问文档422 下载量 (Pure) -
When Auditors Say 'No,' Does the Market Listen?
Chen, S. (First Author), Hu, B. (Participant Author), Zhao, Z. (Participant Author) & Wu, D. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: The European Accounting Review. 29, 2, 页码 263-305科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档 -
When Business as Usual Isn’t Working, Look to Nonprofits for Inspiration
Prashantham, S., 25 9月 2020, 在: Harvard Business Review Digital Articles.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Winner Technology: Big Data Disruption in the Retail Industry
Xiang, Y., Ruan, L. & Li, Y., 30 6月 2020, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Xibei's Business Model: Creating Shared Value for Stakeholders
Rui, M. & Zhu, Q., 30 6月 2020, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
YouTubers Balancing the Paradox of Novelty and Conformity
Malik, S. (First Author), Wang, T. (Participant Author) & Rathee, C. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2020, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
Chen, S. (First Author) & Huang, X. (Participant Author), 30 6月 2020, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Lin, C. (First Author) & Zhang, C. (Participant Author), 30 6月 2020, 18 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
编者寄语: 孵化未来
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 7, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 后浪的机会
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 5/6, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 后疫情时代的管理升维
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 4, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 商业战“疫”:从自救到赢家
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 2/3, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
编者寄语: 与不确定性共舞
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 8/9, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & 颜杰华 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 商业评论. 1, 页码 2科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
不必担忧中国持有大量美国国债 Don't Worry about China Holding Sizeable US Gov.Debt
Sheng, S. (First Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论. 5, 页码 12科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
刘尚希 (First Author), Sheng, S. (Participant Author), 张斌 (Participant Author), 伍戈 (Participant Author), 余永定 (Participant Author) & 张明 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 国际经济评论. 4, 页码 9-27科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
从博弈论看医改大方向 What's Health Care Reform Like from Perspective of Game Theory
Zhou, D. (First Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论. 6, 页码 13科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
方跃 (First Author), 高铎 (Participant Author) & 吕星航 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & Zhong, J. (Participant Author), 30 6月 2020, 6 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
大数据和位置智能: 助力企业数字化战略落地
Fang, Y. (First Author) & 王昊 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论. 3科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
当下企业防范风险指南 How Business Prevent from Risks Nowadays
Xu, D. (First Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论. 9, 页码 12科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
第二代临危受命 企业转型求生 YCH集团: 以技术创新推动转型
李秀娟 (First Author) & 谈若枫 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 家族企业. 8, 页码 59-62 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Chen, W. (First Author) & Chen, B. (Participant Author), 30 6月 2020, 20 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
杨国超 (First Author) & 芮萌 (Participant Author), 2020, 在: 经济研究. 55, 9, 页码 174-191 18 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
工业互联网的逻辑与机遇 The Logic and Opportunity of Industrial Internet
Xu, X. (First Author), 2020, 在: 中欧商业评论. 5, 页码 13科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文