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2024 CEIBS ESG White Paper
Wang, H., Turpin, D. V., Wang, Y., He, Z., Bournois, F., Lee, S. K. J., Chen, S. & Rui, M., 30 5月 2024科研成果: 书/报告 › 工作报告
开放访问文档911 下载量 (Pure) -
889 下载量 (Pure)
A paradox theory lens on proactivity, individual ambidexterity, and creativity: An empirical look
Wang, J., Kim, T., Bateman, T., Jiang, Y. & Tang, G., 2024, 在: Journal of Organizational Behavior. 45, 6, 页码 896-911 16 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档 -
Why and when is frequent supervisory negative feedback undesirable? The role of trust in supervisor and attribution of supervisor motives
Guo, W., Jiang, Y., Zhang, W. & Wang, H., 2024, 在: Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 17 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Fighting the War for Talent: Examining a Multi-level Model of Talent Inducement, Work Engagement, and Creativity in Teams
Tu, Y., Hong, Y., Jiang, Y. & Zhang, W., 10月 2023, 在: Management and Organization Review. 19, 5, 页码 910-931 22 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Fostering Employees' Voluntary Green Behavior: The Role of Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership, Positive Affectivity, and Workplace Anxiety
Yang, L., Shao, X. & Jiang, Y., 10月 2023, 在: Sustainability. 15, 20, 17 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档 -
From committed employees to rebels: the role of prosocial rule-breaking, age, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Liu, Q. (First Author) & Zhao, H. (Participant Author), 2023, 在: The International Journal of Human Resource Management.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Looking up and fitting in: Team leaders' and members' behaviors and attitudes toward the environment in an MNC
Baldassari, P. (First Author), Eberhard, S. (Participant Author), Jiang, Y., Muller-Camen, M. (Participant Author), Obereder, L. (Participant Author), Schiffinger, M. (Participant Author) & Thiele, R. (Participant Author), 18 1月 2023, 在: Human Resource Management. 62, 3, 页码 267-282 16 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Multicultural Individuals: What Can They Bring to Global Organizations?
Gyamfi, N. Y. A., Fitzsimmons, S. R., Miska, C. & Stahl, G. K., 1 1月 2023, Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management: Seventh Edition. 页码 166-184 19 页码 (Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management: Seventh Edition).科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
Antecedents of knowledge-seeking intentions and efforts within new product development teams: empirical evidence from knowledge-based Chinese companies
Zhang, W. (First Author), Jiang, Y. (Participant Author), Zhou, W. (Participant Author) & Pan, W. (Participant Author), 2022, 在: Journal of Knowledge Management.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Cultural Contingencies of Resources: (Re)Conceptualizing Domestic Employees in the Context of Globalization
Lee, Y.-T. (First Author) & Gyamfi, N. Y. A. (Participant Author), 1 4月 2022, 在: Academy of Management Review.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Culture as Context: A Five-Country Study of Discretionary Green Workplace Behavior
Jiang, Y. (First Author), Jackson, S. E. (Participant Author), Shim, H. (Participant Author), Budhwar, P. (Participant Author), Renwick, D. W. S. (Participant Author), Jabbour, C. J. C. (Participant Author), Jabbour, A. B. L. D. S. (Participant Author), Tang, G. (Participant Author), Muller-Camen, M. (Participant Author), Wagner, M. (Participant Author) & Kim, A. (Participant Author), 2022, 在: Organization and Environment.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Entrepreneurial Passion: A Meta-Analysis of Three Measures
Zhao, H. (First Author) & Liu, Q. (Participant Author), 2022, 在: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Knowledge-Intensive HRM Systems and Performance of Knowledge-Intensive Teams: Mediating Role of Team Knowledge Processes
Shahzad, K. (First Author), Hong, Y. (Participant Author), Jiang, Y. (Participant Author) & Niaz, H. (Participant Author), 2022, 在: Group & Organization Management.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Lessons on small business resilience
Gianiodis, P. (First Author), Lee, S.-H. (Participant Author), Zhao, H. (Participant Author), Foo, M.-D. (Participant Author) & Audretsch, D. (Participant Author), 3 9月 2022, 在: Journal of Small Business Management. 60, 5, 页码 1029-1040 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Jiang, Y. (First Author), Yang, L. (Participant Author), Guo, W. (Participant Author) & Zhang, W. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2022, 在: Academy of Management Learning and Education. 21, 4, 页码 561-579 19 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Multicultural Identities at Work
Lee, Y.-T. & Gyamfi, N. Y. A., 2022, (已接受/待刊) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press, (Oxford Research Encyclopedias).科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
Trashy bags: sustainability crisis of a sustainable business
Tsamenyi, M. (First Author) & Gyamfi, N. Y. A. (Participant Author), 2017, 在: Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 7, 2, 页码 1-32 32 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文