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Bridging the expatriate and host country national knowledge transfer gap: managing interaction anxiety and uncertainty
Hsu, Y., Chen, Y., Chiang, F. & Shaffer, M., 2024, 在: Journal of Knowledge Management. 28, 7, 页码 1867-1888 22 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
When Charismatic Leadership Loses its Luster: Examining the Interactive Effect of Charismatic Leadership and Abusive Supervision on Follower Prosocial Motivation and Citizenship Behavior
Christensen-Salem, A., Hartnell, C. A., Walumbwa, F. O., Chiang, F. F. T. & Birtch, T., 25 7月 2024, 在: Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 31, 3, 页码 304-318 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Breach not only affects you: the influence of coworker psychological contract breach by the supervisor on third-party perceptions of supervisor interactional justice
Birtch, T. A., Chiang, F., Zheng, M. & Cai, Z., 2023, 在: The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Effects of formal mentoring support on newcomer-protégé affective organizational commitment: a self-concept-based perspective
Birtch, T. A., Chiang, F. & Cai, Z., 2023, 在: Human Resource Management. 18 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
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Manufacturing Motivation in the Mundane: Servant Leadership's Influence on Employees' Intrinsic Motivation and Performance
Hartnell, C. (First Author), Christensen-Salem, A. (Participant Author), Walumbwa, F. (Participant Author), Stotler, D., Chiang, F. (Participant Author) & Birtch, T. (Participant Author), 28 1月 2023, 在: Journal of Business Ethics. 20 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
SeaCloud Real Estate: Performance Management
Chiang, F. F. T., Zhang, C. & Birtch, T. A., 10 4月 2023, 10 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
It takes two to tango: Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals
Hsu, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-P., Chiang, F. F. T. & Shaffer, M. A., 3月 2022, 在: Human Resource Management. 61, 2, 页码 215-238 24 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
J. Wong: Meizu's Hero or Enemy?
Chiang, F. F. T., Zhang, C. & Birtch, T. A., 31 5月 2022, 12 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Am I choosing the right career? The implications of COVID-19 on the occupational attitudes of hospitality management students
Birtch, T. A. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Wang, J. (Participant Author) & Cai, Z. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: International Journal of Hospitality Management. 95科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Knowledge exchange between expatriates and host country nationals: an expectancy value perspective
Hsu, Y. S. (First Author), Chen, Y. P. (Participant Author), Shaffer, M. A. (Participant Author) & Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Journal of Global Mobility. 9, 4, 页码 499-518 20 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Chiang, F. F. T. & Birtch, T. A., 5月 2021, Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases. Wilkinson, A. & Dundon, T. (编辑). Sage Publications科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
Newcomer Shared Perceptions of Supervisor Socialization
Lee, B. Y. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Cooper-Thomas, H. (Participant Author) & Birtch, T. A. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2020, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
Passing the Baton to the Next Generation: Examining Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer
Lee, B. Y. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Lee, J. S. K. (Participant Author) & Birtch, T. A. (Participant Author), 2020, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2020, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
Repatriation and Career Development
Chiang, F. F. T., van Esch, E. & Birtch, T. A., 12 11月 2020, Global Mobility and the Management of Expatriates. Bonache, J., Brewster, C. & Froese, F. J. (编辑). Cambridge University Press, 页码 125-150科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
Leaders Matter Morally: The Role of Ethical Leadership in Shaping Employee Moral Cognition and Misconduct
Moore, C. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Karlesky, M. J. (Participant Author), Birtch, T. A. (Participant Author), Mayer, D. M. (Participant Author) & Crossley, C. (Participant Author), 2019, 在: Journal of Applied Psychology. 104, 1, 页码 123-145科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
The Incentive and Sorting Effects of Pay-for-Performance and Punishment-for-Underperformance
Lee, B. Y. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Yao, Y. (Participant Author) & Liu, Z. (Participant Author), 2019, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2019, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
How perceived risk and return interacts with familism to influence individuals’ investment strategies: The case of capital seeking and capital providing behavior in new venture financing
Birtch, T. A. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Au, K.Y.-F. (Participant Author) & Hofman, P. S. (Participant Author), 2018, 在: Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 35, 2, 页码 471-500科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Family Firms: The Importance of Emotional Ownership
Esch, E. V. (First Author), Chiang, F. F. T. (Participant Author), Lee, J. S. K. (Participant Author) & Birtch, T. A. (Participant Author), 2018, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2018, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
Repatriation: what do we know and where do we go from here
Chiang, F. F. T. (First Author), van Esch, E. (Participant Author), Shaffer, M. A. (Participant Author) & Birtch, T. A. (Participant Author), 2018, 在: The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 29, 1, 页码 188-226科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文