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大众点评: 本地生活O2O平台转型,快推还是慢进?
Chen, W. (First Author) & Xu, L. (Participant Author), 11 7月 2015, 18 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Chen, W. (First Author), 张峰, 殷隽, Jun, Y., Feng, Z. & Weiru, C., 2015, 在: 金卡生活. 135, 页码 34-41科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Tsai, T. (First Author), Xu, Z. (Participant Author) & Su, M. (Participant Author), 30 4月 2015, 18 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
花间堂:情怀客栈的商业蜕变 Blossom Hill: Metamorphosis of Inns with Nostalgic Sensation
Tsai, T. (First Author), Luo, Z. (First Author), Tsai, T. (First Author), Su, M. (First Author), Zhang, Y. (First Author), Su, M. (Participant Author), Zhang, Y. (Participant Author) & 罗真 (Participant Author), 2015, 在: 中欧商业评论. 12, 页码 90-97科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
机器人也能养鸡? ——正大打造四位一体模式实现产业化养鸡
Zhu, X. (First Author), Zhu, Q. (Participant Author) & Ren, Y. (Participant Author), 30 10月 2015, 10 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Chen, W. (First Author) & Zhao, Z. (Participant Author), 18 5月 2015, 25 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
精准创新: 如何在合适的时间选择合适的创新 (第二版)
朱晓明 (译者), 曹雪会 (译者), 黄协安 (译者), 荣慧 (译者) & 任轶凡 (译者), 1 1月 2015, 中国财富出版社. 259 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 译著
李少民 (First Author) & Park, S. H. (Participant Author), 2015, 在: 信報財經月刊. 6, 页码 118科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Zhang, W. (First Author) & Kuai, D. (Participant Author), 4 6月 2015, 17 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Zhu, X. (First Author), Song, Y. (Participant Author) & Ni, Y. (Participant Author), 25 5月 2015, 21 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
杰拉尔多 伍松 (Participant Author), Park, S. H., 周楠, 姚燕瑾 & 程寅, 1 1月 2015, 中国财富出版社. 196 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 专著
李少民 (First Author) & Park, S. H. (Participant Author), 2015, 在: 信報月刊. 10, 页码 116-117科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
從「大—強—精」到「精—強—大」 ——中國經濟減速是頭腳倒置的企業轉型機會
李少民 (First Author) & Park, S. H. (Participant Author), 2015, 在: 信報財經月刊. 2, 页码 148科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
東亞治理悖論 ——公眾信任缺失導致過度依賴規則
Park, S. H. (First Author), 李少民 & 葉匡時, 2015, 在: 信報財經月刊. 8, 页码 130科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Bringing strategy back : how strategic shock absorbers make planning relevant in a world of constant change
Sampler, J. L. (Participant Author), 1 1月 2014, Jossey-Bass.科研成果: 书/报告 › 专著
Emotional Teaching: How CEOs develop Top Management Teams in Chinese Firms
Huy, Q. N. (First Author), Tang, G. (Participant Author) & Chen, W. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Proceedings - Academy of Management. 2014, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议论文
Founder Identity Threat: Causes and Consequences of Threatened Identity During New Venture Distress
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Alvarez, S. (Participant Author) & Rodgers, M. S. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Academy of Management Proceedings. 1, 页码 13092-13092科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Innovation in emerging markets – the case of China
Yip, G. S. (First Author) & McKern, B. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: International Journal of Emerging Markets. 9, 1, 页码 2-10科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Lenovo 2009 (A): The Role of Board Chairman in a Turnaround
Liang, N. (First Author), Zhao, Z. (Participant Author) & Useem, M. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 17 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Managers’ Marketing Strategy Decision Making During Performance Decline and the Moderating Influence of Incentive Pay
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Rodgers, M. S. (Participant Author), Song, X.-B. (Participant Author) & Shih, E. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 43, 5, 页码 629-647科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
MNC strategy and social adaptation in emerging markets
Zhao, M. (First Author), Park, S. H. (Participant Author) & Zhou, N. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Journal of International Business Studies. 45, 7, 页码 842-861科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
71 引用 (Web of Science)- Citations
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- References: 1
Organizational structures in global account management
Yip, G. S. (First Author) & Bink, A. (Participant Author), 1 1月 2014, Handbook of Strategic Account Management: A Comprehensive Resource. Wiley科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节
Chen, W. (First Author) & Zhang, F. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: 中欧商业评论. 3, 页码 42-47科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Paradox of MNE Overseas Subsidiary CEO Nationality and Relational Ties Strength on Performance
Chng, D. H. M. (First Author), Froese, F. J. (Participant Author) & Sarabi, A. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Academy of Management Proceedings. 1, 页码 13054-13054科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Strategic Responses of Multinational Corporations to Environmental Protection in Emerging Economies: The Case of the Petroleum and Chemical Sectors in Latin America and the Greater China Region
Tsai, T. (First Author), Fossgard-Moser, T. (Participant Author) & Lu, Y. (Participant Author), 1 1月 2014, Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy. Springer Netherlands, 卷 8.科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节
Strategy in emerging economies and the theory of the firm
Young, M. N. (First Author), Tsai, T. (Participant Author), Liu, S. (Participant Author), Ahlstrom, D. (Participant Author) & Wang, X. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31, 2, 页码 331-354科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
What makes a country rich-friendly?
Li, S. (First Author) & Park, S. H. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: The Link. 6, 页码 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
What's Your Information Footprint?
Sampler, J. L. (First Author) & Earl, M. J. (Participant Author), 2014, 在: MIT Sloan Management Review. 55, 2, 页码 95-96科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
3 引用 (Web of Science) -
Yuwell Medical Equipment Inc. (A): The Jumping Fish
Tao, X. (First Author), McKern, B. (Participant Author) & Yip, G. S. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 21 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Yuwell Medical Equipment Inc. (B): The Innovation Engine
Tao, X. (First Author), McKern, B. (Participant Author) & Yip, G. S. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 14 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Chen, W. (First Author) & Sun, Y. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
靳达谦 (First Author), Chen, W., Weiru, C. & Daqian, J., 2014, 在: 复印报刊资料:市场营销. 3, 页码 39-47科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
凡客诚品——成长之痛 (A)
Liu, S. (First Author) & Tsai, T. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 12 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
凡客诚品——成长之痛 (B)
Liu, S. (First Author) & Tsai, T. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 7 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Liang, N. (First Author) & Wang, S. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 18 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
谭永基 (编辑), 朱晓明 (编辑), 丁颂康 (编辑), 陈恩华 (编辑), 池洪 (编辑) & 蔡志杰 (编辑), 1 1月 2014, 高等教育出版社. 463 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 编著
Liang, N. (First Author), Zhao, Z. (Participant Author) & Useem, M. (Participant Author), 1 12月 2014, 17 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例