- 3,825 个结果中的 550 - 600 个
CEO Self-Monitoring and Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Moderated Mediation Model of the CEO-TMT Interface
Chen, J. (First Author), Kwan, H. K. (Participant Author), Simsek, Z. (Participant Author) & Liao, Y. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Journal of Management. 48, 8, 页码 2197-2222 26 页码, 01492063211048436.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档16 引用 (Web of Science)184 下载量 (Pure) -
CEO Temporal Focus and Corporate Philanthropy: The Moderating Role of Ownership
Nguyen, L. T. (First Author), Kwan, H. K. (Participant Author) & Chen, S. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: SAGE Open. 11, 1科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档3 引用 (Web of Science)152 下载量 (Pure) -
Chow Tai Fook's Hua Collection: Disruptive Branding in a Commoditized Market
Xiang, Y., Cao, Z. & Li, Y., 30 6月 2021, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Cifa: Cross-Cultural Integration with a Chinese Company
Siciliano, G., Corti, D. & Cao, Z., 30 6月 2021, 16 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Coaching for Leadership Development: A conversation
Xin, K. R. (First Author) & Wood, J. D. (Participant Author), 5 3月 2021, Leadership Coaching in China. Woo , M., Payne , T., Warner , J. & Hasenfratz , J. (编辑). Fielding University Press科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节 › 图书章节 › 同行评审
Complexity Induced Risks Posed by Upcoming Digital Ultra-Platforms: An Agent-Based Simulation Model
Caporuscio, A. (First Author), Moran, P. (Participant Author) & Simoni, M., 20 9月 2021, (刊载前的电子出版物) 在: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
5 引用 (Web of Science) -
Compositional springboarding and EMNE evolution
Li, P. P. (First Author), Prashantham, S. (Participant Author), Zhou, A. J. (Participant Author) & Zhou, S. S. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Journal of International Business Studies. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
26 引用 (Web of Science) -
Consequences of Workplace Ostracism: A Meta-Analytic Review
Li, M. (First Author), Kwan, H. K. (Participant Author) & Xu, X. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Frontiers in Psychology. 12科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档21 引用 (Web of Science)152 下载量 (Pure) -
Corporate political strategy: the roles of management accounting in relational work
Wanderley, C. D. A. (First Author), Cullen, J. (Participant Author) & Tsamenyi, M. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Accounting Forum. 45, 2, 页码 200-226 27 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Corporate value added tax avoidance
Zhang, J. (First Author), Huo, Z. (Participant Author), Zeng, Y. (Participant Author), Tang, X. (Participant Author) & Rui, O., 2 10月 2021, 在: Accounting Forum. 45, 4, 页码 338-362 25 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
6 引用 (Web of Science) -
Cotte Yolan: Succession and Strategic Transformation
Lee, S. K. J. & Zhao, L., 30 6月 2021, 14 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Could government lead the way? Evaluation of China's patent subsidy policy on patent quality
Lin, J. (First Author), Wu, H.-W. (Participant Author) & Wu, H.-M. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: China Economic Review. 69科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档34 引用 (Web of Science)167 下载量 (Pure) -
Crossroads of Family Businesses in China: Succession And Transformation
Lee, J. S. K., Zhang, Y. A. & He, J. (译者), 1 1月 2021, World Scientific. 300 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 专著
Customer integration and the performance of third-party logistics firms: a moderated mediation model
Wu, X., Wang, Q., Wang, L. & Zhao, X., 20 8月 2021, (刊载前的电子出版物) 在: International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
5 引用 (Web of Science) -
Daddy Lab: A Chinese Social Enterprise's Dilemma
Chng, D. H. M., Zhao, L., Lee, B. Y., Moran, P. & Sun, H., 30 4月 2021, 14 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Did state-owned enterprises do better during COVID-19? Evidence from a survey of company executives in China
Wu, H. (First Author) & Xu, B. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Journal of Economics and Business. 115科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Diffusion of Innovations: Modeling, Estimation, and Normative Developments(CEIBS Working Paper, No. 044/2020/MKT, 2020)
Jain, D. C., Krishnan, T. & Feng, S., 1月 2021.科研成果: 工作论文
开放访问文档103 下载量 (Pure) -
Does power corrupt the mind? The influence of power on moral reasoning and self-interested behavior
Giurge, L. M. (First Author), Zheng, X. (Participant Author), van Dijke, M. (Participant Author) & De Cremer, D. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: The Leadership Quarterly. 32, 4科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档19 引用 (Web of Science)139 下载量 (Pure) -
Doing Business in Asia
Varma, S. (First Author), Tsai, T. (Participant Author) & Suder, G. (Participant Author), 1 1月 2021, 1 编辑 SAGE Publications Ltd. 312 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 专著
Do leaders condone unethical pro‐organizational employee behaviors? The complex interplay between leader organizational identification and moral disengagement
Schuh, S. C. (First Author), David, E. M. (Participant Author), Kaluza, A. J. (Participant Author), Steffens, N. K. (Participant Author), Haslam, A. (Participant Author) & Cai, Y. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Human Resource Management. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档19 引用 (Web of Science)180 下载量 (Pure) -
Do "Little Emperors" Get More Than "Little Empresses"? Boy-Girl Gender Discrimination as Evidenced by Consumption Behavior of Chinese Households
Lin, C. (First Author), Chiang, J. (Participant Author), Zhang, Y. (Participant Author) & Chen, Y. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Marketing Science. 40, 6, 页码 1123-1146科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档1 引用 (Web of Science)114 下载量 (Pure) -
Driving performance grading and analytics: learning internal indicators and external factors from multi-source data
Zhou, J. (First Author), Li, X. (Participant Author), Zhao, X. (Participant Author) & Wang, L. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Industrial Management and Data Systems. 121, 12, 页码 2530-2570 41 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Economic Consequences of IFRS Adoption: The Role of Changes in Disclosure Quality
Li, B. (First Author), Siciliano, G. (Participant Author) & Venkatachalam, M. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Contemporary Accounting Research. 38, 1, 页码 129-179科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
12 引用 (Web of Science) -
Ellassay Fashion: Continued Growth with a Multi-brand Strategy
Siciliano, G. & Cao, Z., 30 6月 2021, 19 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Employee proactive goal regulation and job performance: The role modeling and interacting effects of leader proactive goal regulation
Wang, A.-C. A. (First Author), Kim, T.-Y., Jiang, Y. (Participant Author) & Tang, G. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Human Relations. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档12 引用 (Web of Science)187 下载量 (Pure) -
Employment stability and corporate cash holdings
Han, S. (First Author) & Kim, C. H. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Applied Economics Letters. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
1 引用 (Web of Science) -
Entrepreneurship and the Post-COVID-19 Recovery in Emerging Economies
Meyer, K. E. (First Author), Prashantham, S. (Participant Author) & Xu, S. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Management and Organization Review. 17, 5, 页码 1101-1118科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
6 引用 (Web of Science) -
Examining the indirect effects of embodied learning on adaptability: The mediating roles of challenge stressors and psychological capital
Lee, J. S. K. (First Author) & David, E. M. (Participant Author), 18 10月 2021, (刊载前的电子出版物) 在: Personnel Psychology.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
3 引用 (Web of Science) -
Exercise, grades, stress, and learning experiences during remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Lu , M. (First Author), Mo, D. (Participant Author) & Du, F. (Participant Author), 19 5月 2021, 在: Journal of Emerging Investigators . 4科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档68 下载量 (Pure) -
Fotile Group: Creating a Culture-Driven Organization
Lee, S. K. J., Ju, H. & Zhao, L., 30 6月 2021, 17 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
From mine to ours: a dynamic process model in developing ethical culture - the case of Alibaba
Lee, J. S. K. (First Author) & Xu, D. (Participant Author), 31 10月 2021, (刊载前的电子出版物) 在: Asia Pacific Business Review.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Gorillas Can Dance: Lessons from Microsoft and Other Corporations on Partnering with Startups
Prashantham, S., 28 9月 2021, 1 编辑 Wiley. 368 页码科研成果: 书/报告 › 专著
Grand Resort Bad Ragaz (A): Business Model Innovation in Wellness Tourism Industry
Chang, W., Xue, W. & Xin, K. R., 30 6月 2021, 12 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Grand Resort Bad Ragaz (B): When Medicine Meets Tourism
Chang, W., Xue, W. & Xin, K. R., 30 6月 2021, 12 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
H&H Group: A Global Firm with Chinese Origins (A)
David, E. M. & Xue, W., 30 4月 2021, 10 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
H&H Group: A Global Firm with Chinese Origins (B)
David, E. M. & Xue, W., 30 6月 2021, 11 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例
Hosting annual international sporting events and tourism: Formula 1, golf or tennis?
Ramasamy, B. (First Author), Wu, H.-W. (Participant Author) & Yeung, M. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Tourism Economics. Early Access科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
1 引用 (Web of Science) -
How Chinese Retailers Are Reinventing the Customer Journey Five lessons for Western companies
Greeven, M. (First Author), Xin, K. (Participant Author) & Yip, G. (Participant Author), 9 9月 2021, 在: Harvard Business Review. 99, 5, 页码 84-+ 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
How Consumers Spend and Distribute Money Tainted by Anger
Park, H. Y. (First Author), 2021, 在: Journal of Distribution Science (유통과학연구). 19, 7, 页码 51-59科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档152 下载量 (Pure) -
How Controlling Failure Perceptions Affects Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Cronin, M. (First Author), Erkens, D. H. (Participant Author), Schloetzer, J. D. (Participant Author) & Tinsley, C. H. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: The Accounting Review. 96, 2, 页码 205-230科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档2 引用 (Web of Science)204 下载量 (Pure) -
How donor's regulatory focus changes the effectiveness of a sadness-evoking charity appeal
Choi, J. (First Author) & Park, H. Y. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: International Journal of Research in Marketing. 38, 3, 页码 749-769科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档181 下载量 (Pure) -
How to make project plans trustworthy: an investigation based on multi-criteria contractor selection
Ying, H. (First Author), Zhang, S. (Participant Author), Zhao, X. (Participant Author) & Zhang, M. (Participant Author), 3 8月 2021, 在: International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management. 18 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
Identity Leadership, Employee Burnout and the Mediating Role of Team Identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project
van Dick, R. (First Author), Cordes, B. L., Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Haslam, S. A., Akfirat, S. A., Ballada, C. J. A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J. J. B. R., Avanzi, L., Bodla, A. A., Bunjak, A., Cerne, M., Dumont, K. B., Edelmann, C. M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., Garcia-Ael, C., Giessner, S. & Gleibs, I. H. 以及 32其他, , 11月 2021, 在: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 22科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档11 引用 (Web of Science)63 下载量 (Pure) -
Impact of Spectators’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility on Regional Attachment in Sports: Three-Wave Indirect Effects of Spectators’ Pride and Team Identification
Ullah, F. (First Author), Kwan, H. K. (Participant Author), Jabeen, F. (Participant Author), Iftikhar, Y. (Participant Author), Acevedo-Duque, Á. (Participant Author), Mehmood, K. (Participant Author) & Wu, Y. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Sustainability. 13, 2, 页码 597科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
开放访问文档28 引用 (Web of Science)216 下载量 (Pure) -
Information Search and Product Returns Across Mobile and Traditional Online Channels
Zhang, Y. (First Author), Voorhees, C. M. (Participant Author), Lin, C. (Participant Author), Chiang, J. (Participant Author), Hult, G. T. M. (Participant Author) & Calantone, R. J. (Participant Author), 2021, 在: Journal of Retailing.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
7 引用 (Web of Science) -
Information technology and service diversification: A cross-level study in different innovation environments
Lei, Y. (First Author), Guo, Y. (Participant Author), Zhang, Y. (Participant Author) & Cheung, W. (Participant Author), 9月 2021, 在: Information and Management. 58, 6, 13 页码, 103432.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 期刊论文
15 引用 (Web of Science) -
InMobi: An Indian Internet Company Cracking China
Prashantham, S. & Cao, Z., 30 6月 2021, 15 页码.科研成果: 其它稿件 › 案例